por Drita 15 / 02 / 2011. Faltan unos 40 minutos para que de comienzo la rueda de prensa de HTC en la MWC 2011 pero eso no ha impedido que sus nuevos dispositivos salgan ya a la luz. Tienes ante ti a los nuevos HTC Salsa y ChaCha, ...
April 29 Panel at the Regency Hotel? Press ? The Institute ? Donate ? Contact ?? Email List Error ? Email Confirmation ? Join Our Mailing List to Receive the Weekly ND20 Newsletter: highlights, mind-blowing stats, and more! ...
Here's another painting based on the bar at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. I just love the way bars are lit--all that beautiful, jewel-colored light coming through the bottles. You'll see more of these in the weeks to come!...